A creative finding joy and inspiration in the world around me
GoodRx | Patient Reviews
Designing a new unit on drug pages that shows GoodRx user reviews of the medication to provide a more well rounded and informed experience.
PredictionStrike | Experiences
Designing a new product that enables users to purchase exclusive, once in a lifetime experiences with brands and celebrities.
AdvanceLocal | App Onboarding
Designing an app-specific onboarding process for users at different points in their journey using our product.
Gannett | Onboarding
Designing a complex, multipart onboarding process to inform users about their benefits, introduce them to the product, and focus on retaining subscribers.
“How do I explain what I do at a party? The short version is that I say I humanize technology.”
— Fred Beecher
“Putting the fun in functional designs.”
— Skyllar Duncan